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NP-complete knapsack

I saw this ECLiPSe solution to the problem mentioned in this XKCD comic. I tried to convert this to pure Prolog.

    Total = 1505,
    Prices = [215, 275, 335, 355, 420, 580],
    length(Prices, N),
    length(Amounts, N),
    totalCost(Prices, Amounts, 0, Total),

totalCost([], [], TotalSoFar, TotalSoFar).
totalCost([P|Prices], [A|Amounts], TotalSoFar, EndTotal):-
    between(0, 10, A),
    Cost is P*A,
    TotalSoFar1 is TotalSoFar + Cost,
    totalCost(Prices, Amounts, TotalSoFar1, EndTotal).

I don't think that this is the best / most declarative solution that one can come up with. Does anyone have any suggestions for improvement? Thanks in advance!


  • Your generate-and-test approach should be intelligible to any Prolog programmer with more than a few days experience. Here are some minor tweaks:

    go(Amounts) :-
        Prices = [580, 420, 355, 335, 275, 215],
        totalCost(Prices, Amounts, 0, 1505),
        write(Amounts), nl.
    totalCost([], [], Total, Total).
    totalCost([P|Prices], [A|Amounts], SoFar, Total):-
        Upper is (Total-SoFar)//P,
        SoNear is SoFar + P*A,
        totalCost(Prices, Amounts, SoNear, Total).

    I changed go/0 to go/1 so that the Prolog engine will backtrack and produce all the solutions (there are two). The calls to length/2 could be omitted because totalCost/4 does the work of building list Amounts to have equal length with Prices. I used write/1 and nl/0 to make it a little more portable.

    In totalCost/4 I shortened some of the variable/argument names and indulged in a slightly jokey name for the accumulator argument. The way I imposed the check that our accumulator doesn't exceed the desired Total uses your original call to between/3 but with a computed upper bound instead of a constant. On my machine it reduced the running time from minutes to seconds.

    Added: I should mention here what was said in my comment above, that the menu items are now ordered from most expensive to least. Using SWI-Prolog's time/1 predicate shows this reduces the work from 1,923 inferences to 1,070 inferences. The main improvement (in speed) comes from using computed bounds on A rather than range 0 to 10 for every item.


    Note the extra parentheses around the compound goal, as otherwise SWI-Prolog thinks we are calling an undefined time/2 predicate.