I have a huge python dictionary that i want to save to redis cache and then have an API handler return this dictionary straight from cache
Im using gzip
to compress the stringified dict first before storing in cache
transformed_object = {...big dictionary}
byte_object = BytesIO()
data = json.dumps(transformed_object)
with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=byte_object, mode="w") as f:
final_data = byte_object.getvalue()
I write this to Redis cache
context.redis.set(COMPLETE_GZIPPED_CACHE, final_data)
I have an API handler where I want to return the gzipped data
cache_list = redis.get(COMPLETE_GZIPPED_CACHE)
"status": True,
"cache_list": cache_list,
"updated_at": datetime.datetime.now(),
The problem is I'm getting the below error
TypeError: Object of type 'bytes' is not JSON serializable
Do i need to decode the bytes first back to string before returning to the frontend? ideally i would like the frontend to handle the decoding
Is there a better way to do this?
Figured it out from other posts - wrote a function like this and opted to use zlib
def convert_to_gzip_format(dict):
stringified_object = json.dumps(dict).encode("utf-8")
compressed_file = zlib.compress(stringified_object)
base64_string = base64.b64encode(compressed_file).decode("ascii")
return base64_string
This saves it as an ascii string to redis. I then use pako.js
in the frontend to decode the above into a readable string.