I'm working with application generated with Jhipster.
I want add sitemap.xml and robot.txt but follow the angular conventions it seems not working.
I've created robot.txt and sitemap.xml under "src/main/webapp/".
in my angular.json file i've added
"architect": {
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
"options": {
"assets": [
"scripts": []
how mentioned in angular docs
When i start application i not see sitemap.xml on localhost:8080/sitemap.xml not even in localhost:8080/main/webapp/robots.txt.
Anyone can help me?
JHipster does not (yet) fully support Angular CLI, so your changes in angular.json
are not taken into account.
You need to modify the webpack configuration in webpack/webpack.common.js
to copy sitemap.xml
like what is already done for robots.txt
By the way, robots.txt
is already generated so you don't have to create it, just modify it.