I want to hide bottomNavigationView in some fragments.
I have tried the below code, but it has a flicker effect. (bottomNavigationView hide before the nextFragment becomes visible.
val navController = this.findNavController(R.id.nav_host_home)
navController.addOnDestinationChangedListener { _, destination, _ ->
when (destination.id) {
R.id.searchArticlesFragment -> bnvMain.visibility = View.GONE
R.id.articleFragment -> bnvMain.visibility = View.GONE
else -> bnvMain.visibility = View.VISIBLE
I have also tried another code. But it resizes the fragment. And giving OutOfMemoryException in Destination Fragment.
supportFragmentManager.registerFragmentLifecycleCallbacks(object :
FragmentManager.FragmentLifecycleCallbacks() {
override fun onFragmentViewCreated(
fm: FragmentManager,
f: Fragment,
v: View,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
) {
when (f) {
is SearchArticlesFragment -> bnvMain.visibility = View.GONE
is ArticleDetailsFragment -> bnvMain.visibility = View.GONE
else -> bnvMain.visibility = View.VISIBLE
}, true)
Please help me how can I hide the bottomNavigationView in the proper and best possible way? Is this the only way I can hide the bottomNavigationView? How youtube and Instagram achieve this behavior?
If your code follows single activity design pattern then the following solution suites you.
Example: In parentAcitivty layout, file add bottomNavigationView
app:menu="@menu/main_nav" />
Step 1: In parent activity, create a method to change the visibility.
fun setBottomNavigationVisibility(visibility: Int) {
// get the reference of the bottomNavigationView and set the visibility.
activityMainBinding.mainBottomNavigationView.visibility = visibility
Step 2 & 3 & 4:
abstract class BaseFragment : Fragment() {
protected open var bottomNavigationViewVisibility = View.VISIBLE
override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// get the reference of the parent activity and call the setBottomNavigationVisibility method.
if (activity is MainActivity) {
var mainActivity = activity as MainActivity
override fun onResume() {
if (activity is MainActivity) {
Step 5:
class SampleFragment1 : BaseFragment() {
// set the visibility here, it takes care of setting the bottomNavigationView.
override var navigationVisibility = View.VISIBLE
// override var navigationVisibility = View.GONE
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_sampleFragment1, container, false)