I have having a text output something like:
Principal Core Te1/1/0:
DS 0 controller: 1/0/2 (profile 200, DOCSIS)
DS 1 controller: NA
US 0 controller: 1/0/0 (profile 0, DOCSIS)
US 1 controller: NA
Mac Domain: Ca1/0/0
Auxiliary Core Te1/1/6:
DS 0 controller: NA
DS 1 controller: NA
US 0 controller: NA
US 1 controller: NA
Mac Domain: NA
I want to match a regex with matched the mac domain of the principle core. I tried various Regular expressions but failing. My Regexs are always capturing the 2nd mac domain which is N/A. Is there any way I can get regex for Mac Domain: followed by Principle Core.
Constraints:- Only gm can be used as flags in the regex. Language: javascript
My guess is that you just have a greedy vs. lazy dot problem here. The following regex pattern, with dot all mode enabled, is working:
Principal Core.*?\bMac Domain: (\S+)
The Mac domain would then be available in the first capture group. The exact code you would use depends on the language/tool you are using, but the above general pattern is at least a good start.
If your regex engine does not have a dot all mode, we can simulate that by matching on [\s\S]*
instead of .*
Principal Core[\s\S]*?\bMac Domain: (\S+)