I have a string and a variable, i want to use this varaible inside this string, so it will take that value before converting it to string:
current_process_id = 222
ruby_command = %q(ps -x | awk '{if($5~"ruby" && $1!= %d ){printf("Killing ruby process: %s \n",$1);}};')
puts ruby_command
I tried :
current_process_id = 222
ruby_command = %q(ps -x | awk '{if($5~"ruby" && $1!= %d ){printf("Killing ruby process: %s \n",$1);}};') % [current_process_id]
puts ruby_command
But this is giving error :
main.rb:2:in `%': too few arguments (ArgumentError)
I tried :
awk_check = %q(ps -x | awk '{if) + "(" + %q($5~"ruby" && $1!=)
print_and_kill = %q({printf("Killing ruby process: %s \n",$1);{system("kill -9 "$1)};}};')
ruby_process_command = awk_check + current_process_id.to_s + ")" + print_and_kill
puts ruby_process_command
This works fine for me. But the way i did is not clean.
I'm looking for more cleaner way to do it.
In your ruby_command variable, you have declared two positional arguments( %d and %s), whereas you only pass one value [current_process_id]. You need to pass the second value as well for %s.
Change your code to:
current_process_id = 222
ruby_command = %q(ps -x | awk '{if($5~"ruby" && $1!= %d ){printf("Killing ruby process: %s \n",$1);}};') % [current_process_id,current_process_id.to_s]
puts ruby_command
=> "ps -x | awk '{if($5~\"ruby\" && $1!= 222 ){printf(\"Killing ruby process: 222 \\n\",$1);}};'"
If you don't want to display the value, and you just want to display "%s", you can just escape it with %%:
ruby_command = %Q(ps -x | awk '{if($5~"ruby" && $1!= %d ){printf("Killing ruby process: %%s \n",$1);}};') % [current_process_id]
=> "ps -x | awk '{if($5~\"ruby\" && $1!= 222 ){printf(\"Killing ruby process: %s \n\",$1);}};'"