I want to make a map with labels, but I don't want the labes in the polygons. Is there any way to get labels otside the polygons?
here reproductible example:
world <- map_data("world")
world <- world[world$region != "Antarctica",]
cities <- structure(list(city = c("Dallas", "Johannesburg", "Abu Dhabi",
"Dubai", "Jeddah", "Doha", "New York", "Newark", "Boston", "Houston",
"Los Angeles", "Toronto", "Mumbai", "Chicago", "Sydney", "Atlanta",
"San Francisco", "Hong Kong", "Guangzhou", "Taipei", "Melbourne"
), lon = c(-96.7969879, 28.0473051, 54.6972774, 55.2707828, 39.2375507,
51.5310398, -74.0059413, -74.1723667, -71.0588801, -95.3698028,
-118.2436849, -79.3831843, 72.8776559, -87.6297982, 151.2069902,
-84.3879824, -122.4194155, 114.109497, 113.264385, 121.5654177,
144.96328), lat = c(32.7766642, -26.2041028, 24.2991738, 25.2048493,
21.2854067, 25.2854473, 40.7127837, 40.735657, 42.3600825, 29.7604267,
34.0522342, 43.653226, 19.0759837, 41.8781136, -33.8674869, 33.7489954,
37.7749295, 22.396428, 23.12911, 25.0329694, -37.814107)),
class = "data.frame", .Names = c("city", "lon", "lat"), row.names = c(NA, -21L))
ggplot() +
geom_map(data=world, map=world, aes(x=long, y=lat, map_id=region), fill = 'grey70') +
coord_map("mollweide") +
geom_text_repel(data = cities, aes(lon, lat, label = city), size = 3,
box.padding = unit(0.1, 'lines'), force = 0.5)
But I want labels outside of land.
The issue is that geom_text_repel
does not know about land mass, i.e. you pass only the information about the cities
via the data argument.
If you want geom_text_repel
to make a a good job you have to make it aware of the land or more generally all data. To this end I bind both dataframes (world
and cities
) together. Not perfect but ...
library(dplyr, warn=FALSE)
world <- map_data("world")
world <- world[world$region != "Antarctica", ]
cities <- structure(
list(city = c(
"Dallas", "Johannesburg", "Abu Dhabi",
"Dubai", "Jeddah", "Doha", "New York", "Newark", "Boston", "Houston",
"Los Angeles", "Toronto", "Mumbai", "Chicago", "Sydney", "Atlanta",
"San Francisco", "Hong Kong", "Guangzhou", "Taipei", "Melbourne"
), lon = c(
-96.7969879, 28.0473051, 54.6972774, 55.2707828, 39.2375507,
51.5310398, -74.0059413, -74.1723667, -71.0588801, -95.3698028,
-118.2436849, -79.3831843, 72.8776559, -87.6297982, 151.2069902,
-84.3879824, -122.4194155, 114.109497, 113.264385, 121.5654177,
), lat = c(
32.7766642, -26.2041028, 24.2991738, 25.2048493,
21.2854067, 25.2854473, 40.7127837, 40.735657, 42.3600825, 29.7604267,
34.0522342, 43.653226, 19.0759837, 41.8781136, -33.8674869, 33.7489954,
37.7749295, 22.396428, 23.12911, 25.0329694, -37.814107
class = "data.frame", .Names = c("city", "lon", "lat"), row.names = c(NA, -21L)
# Bind the dataframes for geom_text_repel.
data_labels <- rename(world, lon = long) |>
mutate(city = "") |>
bind_rows(cities, .id = "id")
ggplot() +
data = world,
map = world,
aes(map_id = region),
fill = "grey70"
) +
coord_map("mollweide") +
data = data_labels, aes(lon, lat, label = city),
size = 3, force = 1, seed = 123,
max.overlaps = Inf
Created on 2023-11-21 with reprex v2.0.2