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multiple triggered subsystem + algebraic loop, initialisation problem

I have a Simulink diagram which contains multiple triggered subsystem with different timestamp. In this model I also got a feedback loop inducing an algebraic loop. Therefore the signal must be initialised, in order to do that, I used a Memory block.

The problem is on the feedback loop, the value of the signal seems to be not initialised.

I believe the origin of this problem is that it is indeed initialised by the memory block for the first timestamp, however, the trigger on the next subsystem did not occur. By default, this subsytem puts its out signal value to be 0. The loop is therefore broken there.

enter image description here

Did someone already encounter this situation ? Any Tips ? Thank you for your time.


  • You could add initialization blocks for your trigger values? I don't know about what SubSystem0 looks like inside, but its output could use an initialization block as well, this way you guarantee that you have an input to Subsystem