I have a dropdown that shows me some categories and those categories in turn have a list of subcategories
The problem I am having is that certain categories appear repeated, and I would like to know how I can show the categories, not repeated
Filter(Table1; CATEGORIES = CategoriesDropdown.SelectedText.CATEGORIES)
it seems you are after the Distinct funciton in Power Apps.
Distinct(List/Table Name,ColumnName)
Not enterily sure what field you are using to display data in your Category dropdown, but generally this is how you'd do it:
Distinct(Table1, *Title) //use the column name you want to get the distict values
You can also apply the same logic for the Second dropdown
For further reference, this Microsoft article will give you all the details about the Distinct function.
Note: Your List/Table could be:
Distinct(Filter(Table1, CATEGORIES = CategoriesDropdown.SelectedText.CATEGORIES), ColumnName)
Hope it helps