I'm trying to write a script that parses the functions in a file, and in particular, the parameters of each function. So for example, if file X.c has function func(int a, char b), then I want to see output like
int a
char b
ctags gets me very close:
ctags -x --c-types=f file.c
shows me:
func function 106 file.c func
which is great, because file.c has a whole bunch of goofball macros and typedefs that confuse most C parsers.
So is there a way to get ctags to show the parameters for a given function? All of the examples I've seen are for generating tag files, which I don't want to do.
It took me a while to find the answer, but the trick is to use ctags-universal, which is an updated version of ctags.
ctags-universal -x --c-kinds=f --_xformat="%N %S" filename