I'm working with certification manager, Can someone pls explain me certification manager for multiple certificates.
For example
domain_name = foo.dev
alternate_domian_names = *.foo.dev , bar.com
so should create CNAME record for all 3 domain name (foo.dev,*foo.dev and bar.com)
and validate for all the 3?
For the DNS foo.dev,*.foo.dev
these seem to same parent DNS so single validation will work and you will need to add bar.com
so All you will need to create 2 CNAME for the above DNS validation one for foo.dev
and one for bar.com
You can also compare CNAME record for foo.com
or *.foo.com
it should be same that is generated by AWS ACM.
You can attach a maximum 10 Domain names for each ACM certificate by default.
Understanding Automatic Domain Validation
To validate a domain, ACM sends automated, periodic HTTPS requests to it. For domains that start with
, ACM also sends HTTPS requests to the parent domain. For example, if your domain iswww.example.com
, ACM sends periodic requests towww.example.com
and toexample.com
. For domains that don't start withwww.
, ACM also sends HTTPS requests towww.domain
. ACM treats wildcard domain names (for example,*.example.com
) the same as the parent domain. For examples, see the following table.