I have an Activity with a navGraph that conditionally chooses a startDestination when the the Activity is created.
private suspend fun checkStatusAndNavigate(userID: Int) {
val navController = findNavController(nav_host_container)
val user = getUserFromDB(userID)
val dateNow = Date((if (prefSaved) prefTime() else System.currentTimeMillis())
val navGraph = navController.navInflater.inflate(nav_graph).apply {
// NavGraph inflates with one of three possible starting points: A, B, or C.
startDestination = when {
checkDate(dateNow) == DateCheck.OldDate -> R.id.fragment_a
!user.hasOptedIn -> R.id.fragment_b
else -> R.id.fragment_c
After navController.setGraph(navGraph)
, the startDestination is launched. This works as expected.
Fragment B's only destination out is to Fragment C. But when the user is in Fragment C and does onBackPressed(), I would like to skip Fragment B, and return to whatever called the Activity (there are a few options, so overriding onBackPressed isn't a great option).
I don't think this is a popTo or popToInclusive problem. I don't want to clear the backstack. I just want to keep Fragment B from ever entering the backstack if at all possible.
If you don't want B to be accessible on back from C, then you're supposed to create an Action that is popTo=B
, popToInclusive=true
, and destination=C