I am a noob to perl, so please try to be patient with this question of mine.
It seems that if I make multiple calls to perl Getopts::Long::GetOpts method, the second call is completely ignored.
Is this normal??(Why)
What are the alternatives to this process??
(Actually Ive written a module, where I make a GetOpts call, an the script using my module tries to do that too, but it seems that script does not get the required options)
Thanks, Neeraj
Getopts::Long alters @ARGV
while it works, that's how it can leave non-switch values behind in @ARGV
when it is done processing the switches. So, when you make your second call, there's nothing left in @ARGV
to parse and nothing useful happens.
However, there is GetOptionsFromArray
By default, GetOptions parses the options that are present in the global array
. A special entry GetOptionsFromArray can be used to parse options from an arbitrary array.
So you could use GetOptionsFromArray
on a copy of @ARGV
(or some other array) if you need to parse the list multiple times.