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Change state using Mutation VueJS?

So i have a Vuex Store setup which returns me headers and desserts. Inside my desserts i have a property setup named display which is initially false. I have a component Row which i am importing inside my parent component named Table. Row Components accepts a couple of props i.e. Name and Display. The display prop is what is returned from desserts from the vuex store. I am trying to add a mutation such that on Click of the icon in my Row component, the display.laptop can be toggled to true and false. I have setup the toggleLaptopDisplay but i keep getting cannot read property laptop of undefined.

Please look at the complete CodeSandbox.

Here is the complete code:

The Vuex Store:-

export default new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    headers: [{ text: "Dessert (100g serving)", value: "name" }],
    desserts: [
      { name: "Lollipop", display: { laptop: true } },
      { name: "Marshamallow", display: { laptop: false } }
  getters: {
    getHeaders: state => state.headers,
    getDesserts: state => state.desserts
  mutations: {
    toggleLaptopDisplay(state) {
      state.desserts.display.laptop = !state.desserts.display.laptop;

This is the Table Component:-

  <v-data-table :headers="getHeaders" :items="getDesserts" hide-actions select-all item-key="name">
    <template v-slot:headers="props">
        <th v-for="header in props.headers" :key="header.text">{{ header.text }}</th>
    <template v-slot:items="props">
        <Row :name="" :display="props.item.display"/>

import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import Row from "./Row";
export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {};
  computed: {
      getHeaders: "getHeaders",
      getDesserts: "getDesserts"

This is the Row component:-

    <v-icon @click="toggleLaptopDisplay" :color="display.laptop ? 'info': '' ">smartphone</v-icon>

import { mapMutations } from "vuex";
export default {
  props: {
    name: String,
    display: Object
  methods: {
      toggleLaptopDisplay: "toggleLaptopDisplay"

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you :)


  • Few things to achieve what you want:

    In your Row.vue add a method to select appropriate element:

    <v-icon @click="toggleChange" :color="display.laptop ? 'info': '' ">smartphone</v-icon>

    then in methods, create a method that will pass name of the element as payload:

    methods: {
        toggleChange() {
          toggleLaptopDisplay: "toggleLaptopDisplay"

    finally, in store.js, use the payload and mutate selected element:

    mutations: {
        toggleLaptopDisplay(state, payload) {
          state.desserts.find(dessert => === payload).display.laptop = !state.desserts.find(dessert => === payload).display.laptop

    Edited Example