I have the below codes for a bivariate normal distribution:
x <- seq(-5, 5, 0.25)
y <- seq(-5, 5, 0.25)
mu <- c(0, 0)
sigma <- matrix(c(2, -1, -1, 2), nrow = 2)
f <- function(x, y) dmnorm(cbind(x, y), mu, sigma)
z <- outer(x, y, f)
a) I would like to know what the algebraic expression z=f(x,y) is based on the above codes (please write the algebraic expression explicitly). b) Indeed, numbers 2, -1, -1
and 2
in matrix(c(2, -1, -1, 2), nrow = 2)
are which parameters in the algebraic expression z=f(x,y)?
If you want to see the source code, you may go to see there there. I comment the code for you :
dmnorm <- function(x, mean=rep(0,d), varcov, log=FALSE)
# number of variable
d <- if(is.matrix(varcov)) ncol(varcov) else 1
if(d==1) return(dnorm(x, mean, sqrt(varcov), log=log))
x <- if (is.vector(x)) t(matrix(x)) else data.matrix(x)
if(ncol(x) != d) stop("mismatch of dimensions of 'x' and 'varcov'")
if(is.matrix(mean)) {
if ((nrow(x) != nrow(mean)) || (ncol(mean) != d))
stop("mismatch of dimensions of 'x' and 'mean'") }
if(is.vector(mean)) mean <- outer(rep(1, nrow(x)), as.vector(matrix(mean,d)))
# center
X <- t(x - mean)
# compute the inverse of sigma
conc <- pd.solve(varcov, log.det=TRUE)
# Q is the exponential part
Q <- colSums((conc %*% X)* X)
# compute the log determinant
log.det <- attr(conc, "log.det")
# log likelihood
logPDF <- as.vector(Q + d*logb(2*pi) + log.det)/(-2)
if(log) logPDF else exp(logPDF)
It is a strick application of this equation :
Which come from this website.