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How can I make a customized font based on DeJaVu?

My favorite font is DeJaVu Sans Mono whose style is book. I often cannot tell P (uppercase) from p (lowercase), so I want to make a customized font based on DeJaVu Sans Mono-book.
Note that 0 in DeJaVu Sans Mono-book contains a solid dot.

zero in DeJaVu Sans Mono--book

I want to create a P (p in uppercase) in my format like below.

enter image description here

With fontforge, how do I create my font based on DeJaVu and save the revised font as myfont.ttf?


  • The process is pretty easy.

    1. Open the DejaVu Sans Mono using FontForge
    2. Double click on the glyph you want to change
    3. Use "Ellipse" tool to create the small dot inside the glyph.
      You can use Shift + drag to create a circle.

    FontForge Ellipse tool

    1. Use "Pointer" tool to select the circle and position it at the middle of the ellipse of the glyph:

    FontForge Pointer tool

    1. Change font name. In order for the changed glyphs to take effect on the new generated, you have to apply a new font name. Go to menu ElementFont Info and change "Fontname", "Family Name" and "Name For Humans" to a different name:

    FontForge Font Info

    1. Go to menu FileGenerate Fonts, select TrueType the path and the filename of the new font:

    FontForge Generate Fonts

    And you now have your newly created font with the glyphs changed with the dots inside P, p and every other glyph you may apply a dot ellipse:

    FontExpert preview