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Omit a member/user row if it meets one of the value - AD HOC Query

I have searched all over in google and I don't think I'm using the right keyword to get the result I'm looking for. If this question has already been asked, please re-direct me to the question. If not, I hope you'll be able to understand what I'm looking for.

A quick background: I'm a newbie in SQL language and I've been teaching myself for a while. I work for a mental health organization and they are using a Credible electronic health record. It has a report tab where I am able to build an export report using Credible's "Query Builder 2.0" and it is a Custom AD HOC. I've been able to build a report that shows me the list of new members with its primary center without any issue.

Now I'm working on building a report where it'll tell me which members only have a visit type called "No Contact". I want to skip the member that has other visit types including the "No Contact" and I didn't have any success yet. I use form_id to filter it out. '354' is a no contact visit type.

I don't need it to show the latest record.

[client_id] | [last_name] | [first_name] | [form_id]
[ 10001   ] | [   Doe  ]  | [  John    ] | [  354  ]
[ 10001   ] | [   Doe  ]  | [  John    ] | [  445  ]
[ 10001   ] | [   Doe  ]  | [  John    ] | [  431  ]
[ 10001   ] | [   Doe  ]  | [  John    ] | [  515  ]
[ 10002   ] | [ Ghost  ]  | [  Jane    ] | [  354  ]
[ 10002   ] | [ Ghost  ]  | [  Jane    ] | [  354  ]

The result I want to see is only Jane Ghost because the only visit type that has been entered in the entire record is "No Contact" I want it to be able to skip John Doe because John has more than 1 different visit type.

This is the code I typed so far, I just don't know which statement to use to be able to get the result I want. Is it the 'case' statement or the 'Group by' statement? that is what I've been struggling to search for. Maybe it is not even possible at all.

Select C.client_id,
  V.form_id as form_id
From Clients C
  Left Outer Join ClientVisit CV On C.client_id = CV.client_id
  Inner Join VisitType V On CV.visittype_id = V.visittype_id
  Inner Join Forms F On F.form_id = V.form_id
Order By C.last_name,

Any guide would be greatly appreciated. If this already has been asked, I apologize in advance.

EDIT To add update Code

I almost got it, but it still shows other than 354 for the form ID number. I'm fine with null value, but I need it to not show other than 354 at all.

Select C.client_id,
  P.program_code As prim_program
From Clients C
  Inner Join ClientPrograms CP On C.client_id = CP.client_id
  Inner Join Programs P On CP.program_id = P.program_id
Where C.client_status = 'active' And CP.primary_flag = 'true'
Select CV.client_id,
From ClientVisit CV
  Inner Join VisitType V On CV.visittype_id = V.visittype_id
  Inner Join ClientPrograms On CV.client_id = ClientPrograms.client_id
  Inner Join Programs P On P.program_id = ClientPrograms.program_id
Where V.form_id <> 354
Order By prim_program,
  first_name Desc


  • Potential Solution to the Code. All thanks to @itnAAnti for giving me something to start with!

    Select C.client_id,
      Coalesce(C.date21, C.date14) As Start_Date,
      P.program_code As prim_program,
    From Clients C
      Inner Join ClientPrograms CP On C.client_id = CP.client_id
      Inner Join Programs P On CP.program_id = P.program_id,
      VisitType V
    Where Coalesce(C.date21, C.date14) Between Cast(@param1 As date) And
      Cast(@param2 As date) And C.client_status = 'active' And CP.primary_flag =
    Select CV.client_id,
      Coalesce(C.date21, C.date14) As Start_Date,
    From ClientVisit CV
      Inner Join VisitType V On CV.visittype_id = V.visittype_id
      Inner Join ClientPrograms On CV.client_id = ClientPrograms.client_id
      Inner Join Programs On Programs.program_id = ClientPrograms.program_id
      Inner Join Clients C On C.client_id = CV.client_id
    Where V.form_id <> 354
    Order By prim_program,

    Setting the date range for the member's start date makes a huge difference as far as I can tell.