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Don't show #N/A in Excel cell but also don't treat it as a 0 value in a chart

I have a column whose content is conditioned upon another column:

=IF(B8<>"";B8/($J$2 * $J$2);"")

This column is the line data for a chart. It works fine when the IF condition is met. However, any ELSE "" value is considered as 0 in the chart and the line crashes down to the bottom.

The alternative is to use

=IF(B8<>"";B8/($J$2 * $J$2);NA())

But then it looks ugly in the spreadsheet with loads of #N/A in the column.

Any solution aside from putting a conditional formatting on top which makes the font color white when the value is #N/A?


  • You can plot with a Named Range which will evaluate 0 to #NA

    If the data you're plotting is in C3:C8:

    1. Create a Name for that Range which evaluates 0 as #NA (I've called the Range "PLOT", but you can give it any name you want): =IF(Sheet1!$C$3:$C$8=0,NA(),Sheet1!$C$3:$C$8)
    2. Use the Named range in the Chart: =SERIES(,,Book1!PLOT,1)

    This will allow you to keep the ELSE-cells as "" in your sheet, whilst still showing up as #NA to the Chart and hence not collapsing the line to zero

    NB: See here for notes on how to use Named Ranges in charts, particularly:

    If your references are Names (Named Ranges), you need to qualify the Name with the scope of the Name, that is, either its parent worksheet or the parent workbook.


    You can enter the Name qualified by the worksheet, and if the Name is scoped to the workbook, Excel will fix it for you.