I have 5 min intraday stock price data which I downsample by the following code:
ohlc = {
'Close': 'last',
'Volume': 'sum'
d1_data = min5_data.resample('1d').apply(ohlc).dropna()
what I am trying to achieve is to merge the 5 min intraday and day data and match it by date (basically same values on 5 min interval for the whole duration of the trading day or 78 values in total). My idea is to have a reference for the opening price and day range expressed by High and Low.
It is not necessary to go thru resampling if there is another way.
Thank you
I found it!
merged_data = pd.concat([min5_data, d1_data], axis=1).ffill()
Thanks for the answer anyway