I am wanting to make a function that receives a String that is the input and returns me an output as a string, but I am not able because of the response delay
var resultado = "old value";
function execShell(cmd) {
exec("uname", (error, data, getter) => {
console.log(`need before exec: ${data}`);
resultado = data;
/* shell command for Linux */
console.log(`need after exec: ${resultado}`);
What happens here is, that that the callbacks are not executed from top to bottom. This means that console.log(need after exec: ${resultado});
is called directly after execShell
and the child process hasn't returned yet.
You could use the sync version to execute it:
const cp = require("child_process");
const result = cp.execSync("uname").toString(); // the .toString() is here to convert from the buffer to a string
console.log(`result after exec ${result}`);
The docs are https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v14.x/docs/api/child_process.html#child_process_child_process_execsync_command_options
You could use a NPM package that helps with the shell handling if that's what you are building: https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs which wraps alot of the child process parts with an easier API.