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Python regex: substitute each match separately

I want to use regex to replace combinations of matches.

This is what I have:

>>> re.compile("0").sub("2", "01101")

This is what I want:

>>> replace_combinations(pattern="0", repl="2", string="01101")
['01101', '01121', '21101', '21121']

I can use re.finditer() to get all the matches separately, then itertools.combinations() to get combinations of them, but I don't know how to do the replacement part.


  • To answer my own question after some experimenting: for simple regexes the following (somewhat convoluted) method works. It may not for more complex examples (counterexamples, better answers welcome).

    import re
    from itertools import combinations
    def replace_match(match, repl, string):
        pre = string[:match.start()]
        post = string[match.end():]
        replaced = re.sub(, repl, string[match.start():match.end()])
        return pre + replaced + post
    def replace_matches(matches, repl, string):
        # Reverse the matches so we match from the right side of the string first.
        # This means we don't adjust the indexing of later matches after replacing
        # earlier matches with non-constant lengths.
        for match in reversed(matches):
            string = replace_match(match, repl, string)
        return string
    def replace_combinations(pattern, repl, string) -> Set[str]:
        from itertools import combinations
        results = set()
        matches = list(re.finditer(pattern, string))
        match_combinations = []
        for r in range(len(matches)+1):
            match_combinations.extend(combinations(matches, r))
        for match_combination in match_combinations:
            results.add(replace_matches(match_combination, repl, string))
        return results
    replace_combinations(pattern="0", repl="2", string="01101")
    # {'01121', '21121', '01101', '21101'}