I've just started using FF4j to switch between 2 different API implementations depending on which market the user is on (market = brand/country pair). Here is the code snippet :
public class HomeController {
private final ApiService apiService;
public HomeController(@Qualifier("new-api") ApiService apiService) {
this.apiService = apiService;
public String hey(@PathVariable("brand") String brand,
@PathVariable("country") String country) {
return apiService.whichApi();
interface ApiService {
@Flip(name = "legacy-api", alterBean = "legacy-api")
String whichApi();
class NewApiApiService implements ApiService {
public String whichApi() {
return "NEW_API";
class LegacyApiApiService implements ApiService {
public String whichApi() {
return "LEGACY_API";
I created a RegionFlippingStrategy
(as the doc says) to define for which market
I want to use the legacy-api
, but I cannot make it work.
How can I register my new strategy into FF4j ?
How can I switch between API dynamically based on the home controller brand/country
inputs ?
How can I register my new strategy into FF4j ?
Let's remind the strategy code
public class MarketFlippingStrategy extends AbstractFlipStrategy {
private final Set<String> setOfGrantedMarket = new HashSet<String>();
public void init(String featureName, Map<String, String> initValue) {
super.init(featureName, initValue);
String[] arrayOfRegions = initValue.get("grantedMarket").split(",");
public boolean evaluate(String fName, FeatureStore fStore, FlippingExecutionContext ctx) {
return setOfGrantedRegions.contains(ctx.getString("market", true));
The FlipStrategy
should be registered in the definition of the feature legacy-api
, yaml
or properties
.With the following definition the feature will be enabled only for the granted markets:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<feature uid="legacy-api" enable="true" >
<flipstrategy class="org.ff4j.sample.strategy.MarketFlippingStrategy" >
<param name="grantedMarket">country1-brand1,country1-brand2</param>
How can I switch between API dynamically based on the home controller brand/country inputs ?
The "trick" to is pass the couple brand/country as a single variable market
in the FlippingExecutionContext
and this would help you to understand but here how it works.
public class HomeController {
private final ApiService apiService;
public HomeController(@Qualifier("new-api") ApiService apiService) {
this.apiService = apiService;
public String hey(@PathVariable("brand") String brand,
@PathVariable("country") String country) {
FlippingExecutionContext executionContext = new FlippingExecutionContext();
executionContext.putString("market", brand + "-" + country);
return apiService.whichApi(executionContext);
interface ApiService {
@Flip(name = "legacy-api",
alterBean = "legacy-api",
flippingStrategy = MarketFlippingStrategy.class,
contextLocation = ContextLocation.PARAMETER)
String whichApi(FlippingExecutionContext context);
class NewApiApiService implements ApiService {
public String whichApi(FlippingExecutionContext context) {
return "NEW_API";
class LegacyApiApiService implements ApiService {
public String whichApi(FlippingExecutionContext context) {
return "LEGACY_API";