I have text like this:
San Demetrio Corone (CS)
Villanova Tulo (NU)
I need to get the text between parentheses, I did this
SELECT SUBSTRING(a.place, CHARINDEX('(', a.place) + 1, CHARINDEX(')', a.place, CHARINDEX('(', a.place)+ 1) - CHARINDEX(')', a.place) - 1)
FROM tab1 a
but I'm getting error about lenght parameter, what's wrong in that?
Your length input to SUBSTRING
is off. The length should be the difference in position between the closing and opening parentheses, offset by one less.
CHARINDEX('(', place) + 1,
CHARINDEX(')', place) - CHARINDEX('(', place) - 1) AS abbr
FROM tab1;