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MySQL join table like concat but only pick latest row

I have case where I need latest status. There are two tables, I simplify my table so it looks like below:

Table A
|  a_id      |
|  A1        |
|  A2        |

Table B
|  b_id      |  a_id       |  status          |  created_at      |
|  B01       |  A1         |  something       |  2020-03-14      |
|  B02       |  A1         |  something else  |  2020-04-15      |
|  B03       |  A2         |  anything        |  2020-03-22      |

I want to show table from A with join table B so it will show like this:

|  a.a_id    |  b.status          |  b.created_at   |
|  A1        |  something else    |  2020-04-15     |
|  A2        |  anything          |  2020-03-22     |

I will appreciate Mysql query or codeigniter query builder. Thank you


  • If you are running MySQL 8.0, you can do this with row_number():

    select a.a_id, b.status, b.created_at
    from tablea a
    inner join (
            row_number() over(partition by a_id order by created_at desc) rn
        from tableb b
    ) b on a.a_id = b.a_id and b.rn = 1

    In earlier versions, one option is to filter with a correlated subquery:

    select a.a_id, b.status, b.created_at
    from tablea a
    inner join tableb b on a.a_id = b.a_id
    where b.created_at = (
        select max(b1.created_at) from tableb b1 where b1.a_id = b.a_id

    For performance with the correlated subquery solution, consider an index on tableb(a_id, created_at).