Search code examples

Two condition must be true in SQL

I have two tables.

  1. Student
  2. Student Interest

Table: Student

Id | Student Name
1  | John
2  | Alice

Table: Student Interest

Id | SId | Interest
1  | 1   | Mathematics
2  | 1   | Science
1  | 2   | Environment
2  | 2   | English
2  | 2   | Mathematics

This two table is connected with the foreign key in "student Interest" Table

Now I want the name of students who has interest in both "Mathematics" and "science"

I tried this

Select s.Name from Student s
Inner Join StudentInterest si
s.Id = si.SId
Where si.Interest IN ('Mathematics' , 'Science')

But it shows both student because both the student have interest in 'Mathematics' The result should be only 1 student named "John"


  • If you group by the student you can select only those having both interests like this

    Select s.Name 
    from Student s
    Inner Join StudentInterest si ON s.Id = si.SId
    Where si.Interest IN ('Mathematics' , 'Science')
    group by s.Name
    having count(distinct si.Interest) = 2


    Select s.Name 
    from Student s
    Inner Join StudentInterest si ON s.Id = si.SId
    group by s.Name
    having sum(case when si.Interest = 'Mathematics' then 1 else 0 end) > 0
       and sum(case when si.Interest = 'Science' then 1 else 0 end) > 0