I would like to assign elements of one vector to elements of another for every single user.
For example:
Within a data frame with the variables "user", "activities" and "minutes" (see below), I would like to assign, for example, the duration (4 minutes) of the first activity (4 minutes to activity "READ") of user 1 to new variable READ_duration. Then duration (5 minutes) of second activity ("EDIT") to the new variable EDIT_duration. And the duration (2 minutes) of third activity (again "READ") to the new variable READ_duration.
user <- 1,2,3
activities <- c("READ","EDIT","READ"), c("READ","EDIT", "WRITE"), c("WRITE","EDIT")
minutes <- c(4,5,2), c(3.5, 1, 2), c(4.5,3)
Output should be like: in a data frame with the assigned minutes to the activities:
user READ_duration EDIT_duration WRITE_duration
1 6 5 0
2 3.5 1 2
3 0 3 4.5
The tricky thing here is the algorithm needs to consider that the activities are not in the same order for every user. For example, user 3 starts with writing and therefore the duration 4.5 needs to be assigned to column 4 WRITE_duration.
Also, a loop-function would be needed due to a massive amount of users.
Thank you so much for your help!!
This needs a simple reshape to wide format with sum
as an aggregation function.
Prepare a long-format data.frame:
user <- c(1,2,3)
activities <- list(c("READ","EDIT","READ"), c("READ","EDIT", "WRITE"), c("WRITE","EDIT"))
minutes <- list(c(4,5,2), c(3.5, 1, 2), c(4.5,3))
DF <- Map(data.frame, user = user, activities = activities, minutes = minutes)
DF <- do.call(rbind, DF)
# user activities minutes
#1 1 READ 4.0
#2 1 EDIT 5.0
#3 1 READ 2.0
#4 2 READ 3.5
#5 2 EDIT 1.0
#6 2 WRITE 2.0
#7 3 WRITE 4.5
#8 3 EDIT 3.0
dcast(DF, user ~ activities, value.var = "minutes", fun.aggregate = sum)
#1 1 5 6.0 0.0
#2 2 1 3.5 2.0
#3 3 3 0.0 4.5