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Evaluate a path string which contains a nested movieclip in AS3

This should be fairly simple but I understand why it doesn't work. I am hoping there is a clever way to do the following:

I have a string 'movieclip1.movieclip2'

I have a container movieclip - Container.

Now to evaluate the string normally I would look something like:


Because clip2 is a child of movieclip.

But I would like to parse or evaluate the string with the dot syntax to read the string as a internal path.

this.container[evaluatedpath];  // which is - this.container.movieclip.movieclip2

Is there a function or technique to be able to evaluate that string into an internal path?



  • As far as I know, there is no way to go through the DisplayList with a path-like argument, neither with [] nor getChildByName.

    However, you could write your own function to achieve a similar effect (tested and works):

     * Demonstration
    public function Main() {
        // returns 'movieclip2':
        // returns 'movieclip':
        trace(path(container, "movieclip").name);
        // returns 'movieclip2':
        trace(path(container, "movieclip.movieclip2").name);
        // returns 'movieclip2':
        trace(path(container, "movieclip#movieclip2", "#").name);
        // returns null:
        trace(path(container, "movieclip.movieclipNotExisting"));
     * Returns a DisplayObject from a path, relative to a root container.
     * Recursive function.
     * @param   root            element, the path is relative to
     * @param   relativePath    path, relative to the root element
     * @param   separator       delimiter of the path
     * @return  last object in relativePath
    private function path(root:DisplayObjectContainer,
        relativePath:String, separator:String = ".") : DisplayObject {
        var parts:Array = relativePath.split(separator);
        var child:DisplayObject = root.getChildByName(parts[0]);
        if (parts.length > 1 && child is DisplayObjectContainer) {
            var nextPath:String = parts.join(separator);
            var nextRoot:DisplayObjectContainer = child as DisplayObjectContainer;
            return path(nextRoot, nextPath, separator);
        return child;