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An object reference is required for the non-static field Ebay oauth library

So I have referenced the ebay.oauth.client library and I'm trying to use it to get the access token but it's giving me an error.

An object reference is required for the non-static field, method or property 'OAuth2Api.GetApplicationToken(OAuthEnvironment, IList)

Here is my code

private string GetAuthTokenEbay()
            bool isTestSite = true;
            var url = (isTestSite) ? "" : ""
            var oAuthToken = "";
            IList<String> scopes = new List<String>()
                url + "/oauth/api_scope/",
                url + "/oauth/api_scope",
                url + "/oauth/api_scope/sell.inventory.readonly",
                url + "/oauth/api_scope/sell.inventory"
            //String state = "current-page";
            OAuthEnvironment env = (isTestSite) ? OAuthEnvironment.SANDBOX : OAuthEnvironment.PRODUCTION;
            oAuthToken = OAuth2Api.GetApplicationToken(env, scopes).AccessToken;

            return oAuthToken;


  • Ok I figured it out, at the top of my class I needed the static oauthapi like so:

    private static OAuth2Api api;

    then I needed to get the application token like so

    oAuthToken = api.GetApplicationToken(env, scopes).AccessToken.Token;