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How to add text-field in datatable column without using <td> in vue.js

I am making a shopping cart using Vuetify's current CRUD Datatable UI Component (compatible with Vue.js2), and I'm trying to add a type="number" text-field for both columns quantity and price and link them to their respective value to calculate their total.

Here you can see how it can add, calculate a total from 2 static values (which I was using temporarily to test the subtotal calculation with a computed function), and delete with no problem in the following code:


  <v-layout align-start>
      <v-container grid-list-sm class="pa-4 white">
        <v-layout row wrap>
          <v-flex xs12 sm8 md8 lg8 xl8>
            <v-text-field v-model="code" label="Barcode" @keyup.enter="searchBarcode()">
          <v-flex xs12 sm12 md12 lg12 xl12>
              <template v-slot:item.delete="{ item }">
                  <v-icon small class="ml-3" @click="deleteDetail(details, item)">
              <template v-slot:no-data>
                <h3>There are no current products added on details.</h3>


import axios from 'axios'
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      headerDetails: [
        { text: 'Remove', value: 'delete', sortable: false },
        { text: 'Product', value: 'product', sortable: false },
        { text: 'Quantity', value: 'quantity', sortable: false },
        { text: 'Price', value: 'price', sortable: false },
        { text: 'Subtotal', value: 'subtotal', sortable: false }
      details: [],
      code: ''
  computed: {
    detailsWithSubTotal() {
      return => ({
        subtotal: detail.quantity * detail.price,
        source: detail
  methods: {
    searchBarcode() {
        .get('api/Products/SearchProductBarcode/' + this.code)
        .then(function(response) {
        .catch(function(error) {
    addDetail(data = []) {
        idproduct: data['idproduct'],
        product: data['name'],
        quantity: 10,
        price: 150
        var i= arr.indexOf(item.source);
        if (i!==-1){

In the example that I've been using as a reference to build this shopping cart, he does not display the data from javascript, but from HTML using <td> and props.items as you can see in the code below:

Previous Version (this example I found is from a previous version of vue.js from 2 years old):

<template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
    <td class="justify-center layout px-0">
        <v-icon small class="ml-3" @click="deleteDetail(details, props.item)">
    <td>{{ props.item.product }}</td>
    <td><v-text-field type="number" v-model="props.item.quantity"></v-text-field></td>
    <td><v-text-field type="number" v-model="props.item.price"></v-text-field></td>
    <td>$ {{ props.item.quantity * props.item.price }}</td>

This is how his example turns out looking:

enter image description here

While this is how my datatable looks like with my code (while using the hard-coded quantity and price values):

enter image description here

Since I'm not using any <td> or any props, how can I implement a text-field in the datatable and link them to their value for it to be able to calculate the product total?


  • You just need to add template inside the table tags just like what you did with the delete icon, You need to make sure that it has it's v-slot named just like the header you want to place the text field under it.

    <v-layout align-start>
        <v-container grid-list-sm class="pa-4 white">
          <v-layout row wrap>
            <v-flex xs12 sm8 md8 lg8 xl8>
              <v-text-field v-model="code" label="Barcode" @keyup.enter="searchBarcode()">
            <v-flex xs12 sm12 md12 lg12 xl12>
                <template v-slot:item.delete="{ item }">
                  <v-icon small class="ml-3" @click="deleteDetail(details, item)">
                <template v-slot:item.quantity="{ item }">
                  <v-text-field v-model="item.quantity">
                <template v-slot:no-data>
                  <h3>There are no current products added on details.</h3>

    The result of the code looks like that: screenshot