I've got a data.table
that has UniqueID's for each row, an age column, and 2 columns with a confidence interval for the age. What I want to do is to merge rows that have an overlapping CI so the CI returned is the min/max of the overlap.
ID Age AgeMax AgeMin
1: 2 48073 49213 46933
2: 3 49002 49638 48366
3: 7 44297 44706 43888
The returned result for this example would then be:
ID Age AgeMax AgeMin
2 48409 49638 46933
7 44297 44706 43888
As ID 2 and 3 have overlapping values in AgeMax and AgeMin. The AgeMax for ID == 2, is less than the AgeMax for ID == 3, but greater than the AgeMin for ID == 3 and therefore they overlap. ID 7 doesn't overlap with the other rows so it's returned as it was.
I actually don't mind what the ID
and Age
being returned is, as long as it's from one of the overlapping ID
My attempt is below, but I'm not getting the right results
# sequence of years
step <- 10
window <- 30
startYear <- -60000+(0.5*window)
endYear <- 0-(0.5*window)
yrSeq <- abs(seq(startYear, endYear, step))
# Example DT
DT <- structure(list(ID = c(2L, 3L, 7L), Age = c(48073L, 49002L, 44297L
), AgeMax = c(49213L, 49638L, 44706L), AgeMin = c(46933L, 48366L,
43888L)), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"
# split into a list to expand the CI's
s <- split(DT, DT$ID)
# Expand the CI's, to the nearest year in the seq
# merge back into a DT
d_seq <- rbindlist(lapply(s, function(x) {
data.table(ID = x$ID, Yr = yrSeq[between(yrSeq, x$AgeMin, x$AgeMax)])}))
# remove duplicated years and return min and max years for each ID
d_seq <- d_seq[!duplicated(d_seq$Yr),]
d_seq <- d_seq[, .(AgeMin = min(Yr), AgeMax = max(Yr)), by = ID]
# merge with the original DT and select columns
DT <- merge(DT, d_seq, by = "ID")
DT <- DT[, c(1,2,5,6)]
Unfortunately, this isn't working as ID == 3 is being returned even though is overlaps with ID == 2 (as shown above) and now the AgeMin and AgeMax for ID == 2 doesn't cover the Age for that ID!
ID Age AgeMin AgeMax
1: 2 48073 46935 49205
2: 3 49002 49215 49635
3: 7 44297 43895 44705
I'm sure I'm overthinking this and that there must be a simple way that returns what I need, unfortunately I haven't been able to find any solutions.
I've already tried to modify the examples here and here.
Here is an extra example data.table
to test on.
testDT <- structure(list(ID = c(54L, 57L, 58L, 60L, 61L, 62L, 64L, 180L
), Age = c(14219L, 13989L, 13883L, 13482L, 13403L, 13383L, 13340L,
13994L), AgeMax = c(14343L, 14087L, 13972L, 13540L, 13465L, 13442L,
13407L, 14083L), AgeMin = c(14095L, 13891L, 13794L, 13424L, 13341L,
13324L, 13273L, 13905L)), row.names = c(NA, -8L), class = c("data.table",
Here is a data.table
][, .(AgeMin=min(AgeMin), AgeMax=max(AgeMax)),
by=.(group=cumsum(c(1, tail(AgeMin, -1) > head(AgeMax, -1))))]
#> group AgeMin AgeMax
#> 1: 1 13273 13540
#> 2: 2 13794 14087
#> 3: 3 14095 14343
The key of this solution is getting the group
of overlapping periods.
Let's say we have two ranges p1
and p2
. They have start and end named as start1
There are only two conditions where p1
and p2
are not overalpping.
> end2
< start2
Since we already ordered Agemin
ascendingly, we only need to consider conditioon 1 only.
Then we can use cumsum
to get the group indentifier.