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HashSet data structure in Solidity

Is there any way of implementing a set in Solidity, in order to check if an element exists, in O(1) average? I have been thinking of using a mapping object with no values, is that faster than using an array and iterating in order to find elements?


  • Yes in sense of speed you are better off using a mapping. The closest thing to a set in solidity is to us a mapping and an array. But it will have terrible cost to iterate when you want to remove an element.

    Mapping Example

    mapping (address => bool) yourMapping; // maps address (key) to boolean (value)

    Set Example

    contract Contract {
        struct Set {
            uint[] values;
            mapping (uint => bool) is_in;
        Set my_set;
        function add(uint a) public {
             if (!my_set.is_in[a]) {
                 my_set.is_in[a] = true;