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Argument of type '"tech"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'PropsWithChildren<Props>'

I'm getting an error when I try to test the function getProblemType. Argument of type '"tech"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'PropsWithChildren<Props>'. Below is the code for my component.

interface Props {
  type: SupportType;

export function getProblemType(srType:SupportType):ProblemTypeEnum {
  switch (srType) {
    case "limit":
      return "LIMIT";
    case "account":
      return "ACCOUNT";
      return "TECH";
const Auth: React.FC<Props> = (props) => {
  const problemType  = getProblemType(props.supportType);
  const supportValidate = apiCalls.callSupport(false, "123", userId, problemType, state.homeRegionName);
 return (<>....</>)
export default Auth;

and my test looks like below

describe("Auth tests", () => {
  let mock : Props;
  const runProblemTypeTest = (url: string, supportType: SupportType) => {
      <Auth supportType={supportType}>

  it("check getProblemType when support is tech", () => {
    mock.supportType = "tech";
  it("check problem type passed to validate when problem type absent in the url", () => {
    mock.supportType = "tech";
    runProblemTypeTest("", "tech");

when I pass mock.supportType on getProblemType, I get below error Argument of type '"tech"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'PropsWithChildren<Props>'.


  • The test mistakenly uses default import instead of named. So getProblemType is assigned the component and expects to be passed props. Hence the error. Fix by inserting braces:

     import { getProblemType } from "components/Common/Authorization";