I've generated a CV using R vitae package and awesomecv
The utilised packages:
#> [1] ''
#> [1] '3.0.1'
#> [1] '1.0.0'
#> [1] '0.24'
R version 4.0.0 (2020-04-24)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)
The simple reproducible example below shows what I am trying to modify - a section of Education with list (bullet-points) to show items in the PhD degree section.
My aim is to modify the indentation of items _a, and _b and create an appearance that they are subitems of the item _A. I would either wish it to be a tab based indentation of five spaces, or anything similar that creates the desired appearance (i.e., that they are a level below item _A). To visualise the desired output (anything similar to this is fine, as long as it doesn't require extensive code / manipulating the latex template itself):
The reproducible example:
name: John
surname: Doe
position: ""
address: ""
phone: +44 1234 45687
www: stackoverlow.com
email: "[email protected]"
twitter: ""
github: ""
linkedin: ""
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %Y')`"
aboutme: "Hello world"
output: vitae::awesomecv
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)
# Education
```{r education}
~ degree, ~ uni, ~ loc, ~ dates, ~ this_is_the_list,
"PhD degree", "My Uni", "Uni Place", "2010 - 2020", "item_A",
"PhD degree", "My Uni", "Uni Place", "2010 - 2020", "item_a",
"PhD degree", "My Uni", "Uni Place", "2010 - 2020", "item_b") %>%
detailed_entries(degree, dates, uni, loc, this_is_the_list)
The example output:
By setting .protect = FALSE
in the detailed_entries()
function, you are able to provide latex inputs directly. Using this, you can create an itemize list within the existing item to get the desired result.
This is admittedly a complex solution to the problem, so I've opened an issue to hopefully improve this in the future: https://github.com/mitchelloharawild/vitae/issues/126
# Education
```{r education}
~ degree, ~ uni, ~ loc, ~ dates, ~ this_is_the_list,
"PhD degree", "My Uni", "Uni Place", "2010 - 2020", "
\\item item\\_a
\\item item\\_b
\\end{itemize}") %>%
detailed_entries(degree, dates, uni, loc, this_is_the_list, .protect = FALSE)