I have a backend that maintains a store for the frontend. with every hit I am returning the full store that includes an array of messages that should be rendered.
Fetching data from backend is via long poll implemented in a service.
The problem is: DOM not keep updating with every cll to the backend, I am trying to render the update only not the full array.
with the current implantation POM updates with every hit. Is there a way to solve it ??
I tried the following code:
In my html template:
<div *ngFor="let message of messages$ | async">
in the components ts file:
messages$ = storeService.messages;
in Store Service:
get messages(): Observable<any> {
return this._messages.asObservable();
private _messages = new BehaviorSubject<any[]>([]);
messages$ = this._messages.asObservable()
storeGet$ = this.http.get(EndPoint)
return timer(0, 15000).pipe(
concatMap(() => storeGet$),
map(resp => {
All you need is
messages$ = timer(0, 15000).pipe(
switchMap(_ => this.http.get(EndPoint)),
map(resp => resp['messages'])