I have two queries from the same table that I need merged into one table:
t.[Origin Terminal Name] as 'Terminal',
COUNT(t.[Pro Number]) as 'Inbound Shipments',
SUM(t.[Total Revenue]) as 'Inbound Revenue'
FROM [AX2cTestStage].[dbo].[AX2cTestAdapter_dbo_AAATRANSPORTTABLE_V] t
GROUP BY t.[Origin Terminal Name]
ORDER BY t.[Origin Terminal Name] ASC
t.[Destination Terminal Name] as 'Terminal',
COUNT(t.[Pro Number]) as 'Outbound Shipments',
SUM(t.[Total Revenue]) as 'Outbound Revenue'
FROM [AX2cTestStage].[dbo].[AX2cTestAdapter_dbo_AAATRANSPORTTABLE_V] t
GROUP BY t.[Destination Terminal Name]
ORDER BY t.[Destination Terminal Name] ASC
They both produce these results:
Terminal Inbound Shipments Inbound Revenue
Abilene 520 75970.08
Albany 877 130560.28
Terminal Outbound Shipments Outbound Revenue
Abilene 2684 419523.83
Albany 2820 407871.89
I need this as an output:
Terminal Inbound Shipments Inbound Revenue Outbound Shipments Outbound Revenue
Abilene 520 75970.08 2684 419523.83
Albany 877 130560.28 2820 407871.89
I have tried this query:
t.[Origin Terminal Name] as 'Terminal',
COUNT(t.[Pro Number]) as 'Inbound Shipments',
SUM(t.[Total Revenue]) as 'Inbound Revenue',
t2.[Destination Terminal Name] as 'Terminal',
COUNT(t2.[Pro Number]) as 'Outbound Shipments',
SUM(t2.[Total Revenue]) as 'Outbound Revenue'
FROM [AX2cTestStage].[dbo].[AX2cTestAdapter_dbo_AAATRANSPORTTABLE_V] t2
GROUP BY t2.[Destination Terminal Name])
FROM [AX2cTestStage].[dbo].[AX2cTestAdapter_dbo_AAATRANSPORTTABLE_V] t
LEFT JOIN [AX2cTestStage].[dbo].[AX2cTestAdapter_dbo_AAATRANSPORTTABLE_V] t2 ON t.[Origin Terminal Name] = t2.[Destination Terminal Name]
GROUP BY t.[Origin Terminal Name]
ORDER BY t.[Origin Terminal Name] ASC
I received this error:
Msg 116, Level 16, State 1, Line 22 Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
Is a subquery the way to go to solve this problem? I appreciate any advice
t.[Origin Terminal Name] as 'Terminal',
COUNT(t.[Pro Number]) as 'Inbound Shipments',
SUM(t.[Total Revenue]) as 'Inbound Revenue',
max(t2.[Outbound Shipments]) as 'Outbound Shipments',
max(t2.[Outbound Revenue]) as 'Outbound Revenue'
FROM [AX2cTestStage].[dbo].[AX2cTestAdapter_dbo_AAATRANSPORTTABLE_V] t
t2.[Destination Terminal Name] as 'Terminal',
COUNT(t2.[Pro Number]) as 'Outbound Shipments',
SUM(t2.[Total Revenue]) as 'Outbound Revenue'
FROM [AX2cTestStage].[dbo].[AX2cTestAdapter_dbo_AAATRANSPORTTABLE_V] t2
GROUP BY t2.[Destination Terminal Name]) t2 on t.[Origin Terminal Name] = t2.Terminal
GROUP BY t.[Origin Terminal Name]
ORDER BY t.[Origin Terminal Name] ASC