I went through Selenium Jupiter manual and still cannot get the idea of how I can set multiple browsers in Selenium Jupiter to run every test in every browser.
Should use Test Template for that purpose?
Again I did not see an example of how can I do it in Selenium Jupiter?
p.s. An example with RemoteDrivers on Selenium Grid.
Here is my attempt to do it:
public class BaseTestWithRemoteDrivers {
static SeleniumExtension extension = new SeleniumExtension();
public static void setupAll() {
Browser chrome = BrowserBuilder.chrome().build();
Browser firefox = BrowserBuilder.firefox().build();
extension.addBrowsers(chrome, firefox);
public void testWithBrowser(WebDriver driver) {
public static void tearDownAll(WebDriver driver) {
Unfortunately, only the Chrome browser will open.
Upd: I also found that there is a message saying:
Browser list for context id is not found. Not sure how to set up Browsers List if it is needed.
So far I did not find multi browsers support except by explicitly putting the browsers type into mvn command like below:
mvn verify -Dtest=BaseTest
public class BaseTest {
public void testNumber1(RemoteWebDriver driver) throws {
public static void tearDown(RemoteWebDriver driver) {
I figured out the way I can do it with Test Template too.
Below is the working example:
public class MultiBrowserTestTemplate {
static SeleniumExtension extension = new SeleniumExtension();
static void setup() {
String browsersList = System.getProperty("prop.browsers.list");
List<String> browsers = Arrays.asList(browsersList.split(","));
if (browsers.contains("chrome")) {
if (browsers.contains("firefox")) {
public class MultiBrowserDemoTest extends MultiBrowserTestTemplate {
public void testInMultipleBrowsers(WebDriver driver) {
WebElement search = driver.findElement(By.name("q"));
search.sendKeys("JUnit5 extensions");
And the maven command goes like this:
mvn verify -DMultiBrowserDemoTest