I'm creating a list of radio buttons which when checked should change the color of corresponding label but it seems not to work at all using css selectors. what am i missing here?
<ion-list class="addressList">
<ion-item *ngFor="let address of address">
<label for="ok" >
<ion-radio id="ok" class="radio-custom" mode='ios' slot="end" value="{{address.address}}"></ion-radio>
app.scss -
:checked + label {
color: var(--ion-color-primary) !important;
I think the best way to figure out styling is to use chrome dev tools, click on the item in question and see what classes such element obtains during "checked" state:
Then you could build your styling rules around it, but please note that if the element is inside of a "shadow root" you need to use css variables to apply styles (since those elements' style would be incapsulated inside shadow dom)
<ion-list class="addressList">
<ion-item *ngFor="let address of [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]">
<ion-label>address #{{ address }}</ion-label>
<ion-radio mode='ios' slot="end" value="{{address}}"></ion-radio>
and css:
.item-radio-checked {
color: red;
You can play with many CSS vars Ionic team created from here: https://ionicframework.com/docs/api/item#css-custom-properties
These are applied at ion-item scope.