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How to update xml in table having multiple same elements in xml, from data by joining another table

I have table which is having XML column. Now this XML column have multiple tags like an array. Each of these tags have an attribute() which i want to update from a table by joining it.

Table_A is as following

Id    XML
1     "<Root><Object ObjId = "1" Text = "A"><Object Id = "2" Text = "B"></Root>"
2     "<Root><Object ObjId = "1" Text = "M"><Object Id = "12" Text = "N"></Root>"

Each of this XML is as following

   <Object Id = "1" Text = "A">
   <Object Id = "2" Text = "B">
   <Object Id = "3" Text = "C">
   <Object Id = "4" Text = "D">
   <Object Id = "5" Text = "E">

Table_B i want to join to update records in XML:

Table_A_Id    ObjId      Value
1             1          "Q"
1             2          "R"
2             1          "S"
2             12         "T"

I couldn't find the solution to create a dynamic path in XML.modify method. Following is the query i have started, which might explain what i am trying to do.

UPDATE TblA SET XML.modify(replace value of (/Root/Object) with Table_B.Value)
CROSS APPLY TblA.XML.nodes('/Root/Object') AS xmlObjs(obj)
INNER JOIN Table_B TblB ON TblB.Table_A_Id = TblA.Id AND TblB.ObjId = xmlObjs.obj.value('@ObjId[1]','varchar(MAX)')


  • What you seem to know is: .modify() will not allow more than one change per call. You would have to use a CURSOR or WHILE loop in order to update each occurance one after the other.

    Therefore I'd suggest this approach:

    First we create mockup tables to simulate your issue:

           <Object Id = "1" Text = "A"/>
           <Object Id = "2" Text = "B"/>
           <Object Id = "5" Text = "E"/>
           <Object Id = "1" Text = "F"/>
           <Object Id = "2" Text = "G"/>
           <Object Id = "12" Text = "J"/>
           <Object Id = "13" Text = "J"/>
    DECLARE @tblB TABLE(Table_A_Id INT,[ObjId] INT,[Value] VARCHAR(10));
     (1,1 ,'Q')
    ,(1,2 ,'R')
    ,(2,1 ,'S')

    --The query

    WITH cte AS
        SELECT tA.Id
                SELECT A.obj.value('@Id','int') AS [@Id]
                      ,COALESCE(tB.[Value],A.obj.value('@Text','varchar(max)')) AS [@Text]
                FROM tA.[XML].nodes('/Root/Object') A(obj)
                LEFT JOIN @tblB tB ON tB.Table_A_Id=tA.Id AND tB.[ObjId]=A.obj.value('@Id','int')
                FOR XML PATH('Object'),ROOT('Root'),TYPE
               ) AS NewXml
        FROM @tblA tA
    UPDATE cte SET cte.[Xml]=NewXml;

    --Check the result

    SELECT * FROM @tblA;

    The idea in short:

    • We use an updateable CTE to read table A's data into a list
    • We use a correlated sub-query to create the modified XML on the fly.
    • We write the new XML over the existing one.


    Next time please try to avoid a chameleon question... Your comment let this change into something entirely different... Next time please close one question, if it is answered as is and start a new question in case you find, that your initial question did not really cover your needs...

    Try this:

           <AnotherTag val="abc"/> 
           <AnotherTag val="DEF"/> 
           <Object Id =  "1" Text = "F" OtherProperty = "123" /> 
           <Object Id =  "2" Text = "G" SampleProperty = "Anything" DataProperty="Sample Data" /> 
           <Object Id = "12" Text = "I" OtherProperty = "123"/> 
           <Object Id = "13" Text = "J" DataProperty = "Sample"/> 
           <Object Id = "1" Text = "F"/>
           <Object Id = "2" Text = "G"/>
           <Object Id = "12" Text = "I"/>
           <Object Id = "13" Text = "J"/>
    DECLARE @tblB TABLE(Table_A_Id INT,[ObjId] INT,[Value] VARCHAR(10));
     (1,1 ,'Q')
    ,(1,2 ,'R')
    ,(2,1 ,'S')
    WITH cte AS
        SELECT ta.Id
                                            for $elmt in /combined/embedded/Root/*
                                            let $bVal := /combined/b_data[ObjId[1] = $elmt/@Id]/Value/text()
                                            if(local-name($elmt) eq "Object") then 
                                                <Object Id="{$elmt/@Id}" Text="{if(empty($bVal)) then $elmt/@Text else $bVal}">
                                                {$elmt/@*[local-name() != "Id" and local-name() != "Text"]}
                                         </Root>') AS NewXml
        FROM @tblA ta
        OUTER APPLY(SELECT (SELECT [ObjId],[Value] 
                            FROM @tblB tb 
                            WHERE tb.Table_A_Id=ta.Id 
                            FOR XML PATH('b_data'),TYPE) AS [*]
                           ,ta.[XML] AS [embedded]
                           FOR XML PATH(''),ROOT('combined'),TYPE) Combined([CombXml])
    UPDATE cte SET [XML] = NewXml;
    SELECT * FROM @tblA;

    The idea behind:

    We need to get the side data into the XML in order to use XQuery-FLWOR.

    The APPLY will create a XML like this:

          <AnotherTag val="abc" />
          <AnotherTag val="DEF" />
          <Object Id="1" Text="F" OtherProperty="123" />
          <Object Id="2" Text="G" SampleProperty="Anything" DataProperty="Sample Data" />
          <Object Id="12" Text="J" OtherProperty="123" />
          <Object Id="13" Text="J" DataProperty="Sample" />

    Against this combined XML we can run a FLWOR query using .query().

    • This query will run through all nodes below <Root>
    • the corresponding <Value> of your side data (in the XML its <b_data>) is assigned to $bVal.
    • Now we check, if the current element's name is <Object>.
    • If so, we write the attributes Id and Text directly and add all other attributes without looking into them.
    • If not, we just return $elmt as is.

    The result for the Id=1 looks like this afterwards:

      <AnotherTag val="abc" />
      <AnotherTag val="DEF" />
      <Object Id="1" Text="Q" OtherProperty="123" />
      <Object Id="2" Text="R" SampleProperty="Anything" DataProperty="Sample Data" />
      <Object Id="12" Text="I" OtherProperty="123" />
      <Object Id="13" Text="J" DataProperty="Sample" />

    You can see, that "Q" and "R" are changed where Id is 1 or 2 - according to the side data.

    I must admit, that this gets complicated...

    Depending on your real data and the complexity of your XML a looping approach with .modify() might be better...