I am using kops to deploy my kubernetes cluster. in my cluster, I have a simple Nginx deployment, a service, and an ingress. Its configured with route 53 (not using external DNS, manually creating A record in route 53 pointing to a classic load balancer (generated by kops)).
I can hit the domain www.XXXX.com as well as a subdomain on it but, there is not SSL certificate on it.
I know we can apply SSL on the loadbalancer. So, went in ACM, created a certificate and when I try to apply it, I see 80 and 443 are serving TCP traffic, that's why I cannot add these two ports serving HTTP and HTTPS with certificate (as shown in image)
If I delete the two TCP listeners and add HTTP and HTTPS listners I can, but then my app is not reachable on the domain.
How can I configure ACM on this loadbalancer. Is this even a correct way of adding https for an app deployed on Kubernetes?
I know about https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/user-guide/tls/, but if there is a way to do it using above approach I would prefer that.
when I describe my nginx pod I see Ports as follows:
Ports: 80/TCP, 443/TCP
shouldn't that be
Ports: 80/HTTP, 443/HTTPS
Turns out I deployed the ingress controller incorrectly.
the documentation clearly says download and update values in the file before applying I missed the updating part.
You have to update CIDR proxy-real-ip-cidr
and service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-cert
literally that all you need.
make sure you are creating a certificate before applying this YAML file.
and while creating cert add
both to make it work.