Suppose I have a list of 1500000 states with given zip codes and I want to run my predictor Model (databas) on that list and get the predictions of Area, I did the same by the help of one gentleman and here is my code:
pred <- sapply(1:nrow(first), function(row) { predict(basdata,first[row, ],estimator="BMA", interval = "predict",$Ybma })
Now, The issue that i am facing is that the code is taking a long time to predict the values. It iterates over every row and calculates the area. There are 150000 rows in my data set and I would request if anyone can help me optimizing the performance of this code.
I would like to thank onyambu for providing me the solution as I was just making the predict function more Complex. The following code can be used for iterating over each row of a data set and predict the values using the Model built.
predict(basdata,first,estimator="BMA", interval = "predict",$Ybma