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zshrc doesn't convert \u into hostname

There is a problem with my .zshrc file. I want to customise my .zshrc on macOS Catalina. Therefore I added the following to my .zshrc:

export PS1='[\u@\h \$'

Then I called source .zshrc and got the following output:

Bas output

Is there any solution to display the user and hostname properly?



    PS1='%n@%m %(!:#:$) '

    %(!:#:$) allows you to change the default prompt symbol from % to $ (which it seems you are wanting to do) and still keep # for root.

    If you just want to keep the default zsh prompt symbol, use:

    PS1='%n@%m %# '

    Not sure why you have '[' in there. If you would like to use square brackets around the username and host:

    PS1='[%n@%m] %(!:#:$) '

    If you would like the current directory in your prompt, add %c.

    Also there's no need to use export.