Below are my two dataframe:
ABData1 <- data.frame(id=c(11,12,13,14,15),
a = c(1,2,3,4,5))
ABData2 <- data.frame(id=c(11,12,13,14),
b = c(1,4,3,4))
how to compare these two dataframe for matching rows and mismatch rows
if 1st row of ABData1 of a is matching with 1st row of ABData2 of b is matching then show as match and else show as mismatch and then goes to 2nd row....all the comparison will rowwise.
i have tried below code which is working fine for one data frame but its trowing error because of different rows in two data frames.
ABData <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,2,1,1),
b = c(1,2,1,1,2))
match<- ABData %>% rowwise() %>% filter(grepl(a,b, fixed = TRUE))
mismatch<- ABData %>% rowwise() %>% filter(!grepl(a,b))
I am expecting below output
Expected match Output:
id a expected b
11 1 1 1
13 3 3 3
14 4 4 4
Expected mismatch output:
id a expected b
12 2 2 4
15 NA NA 5
Thanks in advance.
You can use this:
ABData1 <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,3,4,5))
ABData2 <- data.frame(b = c(1,4,3,4))
equLength <- function(x, y) {
if (length(x)>length(y)) length(y) <- length(x) else length(x) <- length(y)
data.frame(a=x, b=y)
ABData <- equLength(ABData1$a, ABData2$b)
... and then use your working code for one dataframe.
resultMatch <- ABData %>% rowwise() %>% filter(grepl(a,b, fixed = TRUE))
resultMismatch <- ABData %>% rowwise() %>% filter(!grepl(a,b))
For the extended question:
ABData1 <- data.frame(id=c(11,12,13,14,15), a = c(1,2,3,4,5))
ABData2 <- data.frame(id=c(11,12,13,14), b = c(1,4,3,4))
equLength <- function(x, y) {
if (length(x)>length(y)) length(y) <- length(x) else length(x) <- length(y)
data.frame(a=x, b=y)
if (nrow(ABData1)>nrow(ABData2)) ABData <- data.frame(ABData1, b=equLength(ABData1$a, ABData2$b)$b) else
ABData <- data.frame(ABData2, a=equLength(ABData1$a, ABData2$b)$a)
resultMatch <- ABData %>% rowwise() %>% filter(grepl(a,b, fixed = TRUE))
resultMismatch <- ABData %>% rowwise() %>% filter(!grepl(a,b))