I have one big table called "postgres" it has 3 columns(Date,Open,Close) and 65000 rows.
Date | Open | Close
2019-01-01 | 1.03212 | 1.03243
2019-01-01 | 1.06212 | 1.09243
2019-01-02 | 1.02212 | 1.08243
2019-01-04 | 1.08212 | 1.07243
+65000 rows
I need to make calculation. Something like that (case when Open < Close then 1 else 0 end)
to all rows in table, and next I need to put the answers into new table "Zad2". It need to look look that:
Type | Amount
positive | 23232
negative | 11433
equal | 322
Thx for help, and sorry for my English)
You can use a case
select (case when open < close then 'increasing'
when open > close then 'decreasing'
when open = close then 'equal'
end) as grp, count(*)
from t
group by grp;
I'm not sure what "positive" and "negative" are supposed to mean, so I put in labels that make sense to me.
You can put the results in a new table using either insert
(if the table already exists) or create table as
(if the table does not exist).