Given a tree, how do you generate a list of all (proper) subtrees in Clojure using higher order functions?
I am working on Advent of Code 2019 Problem #6. The problem begins with an adjacency list. I have represented the adjacency list as an n-ary tree, using Clojure lists, with the following structure.
A node that is not a leaf is a list with two parts: the first part is an element representing the root of that section of the tree; the second part is a n elements representing branches from the root. Leaves are lists having a keyword as their only element. Thus, I represent a tree of the form,
B -- C
with the following list:
(:A (:B (:C)) (:D))
Solution using Recursion
I want to list every proper subtree of a given tree. I know how to do this using recursion, as follows:
(defn subtrees
(loop [trees tree
results '()]
(if (empty? trees)
(let [subtree #(if (keyword? (first %)) (rest %) nil)
leaf? #(and (list %) (keyword? (first %)) (= (count %) 1))
sub (subtree (first trees))]
(if (every? leaf? sub)
(recur (rest trees) (into results sub))
(recur (into (rest trees) sub) (into results sub)))))))
So I do the work with trees
and results
: I begin with the tree in trees
, and then add each subtree that is not one or more leaves into trees
and results
at each step (or: just into results
if I have one or more leaves). This gives me a list of all proper subtrees of tree
, which is the point of the function. Here is the working solution with very detailed comments and a bunch of test cases.
My Question
I should like to know how to accomplish the same using higher-order functions. What I would really like to do is use map
and call the function recursively: at each stage, just call subtree
on every element in the list. The problem I have encountered is that when I do this, I end up with a huge mess of parentheses and can't consistently drill down through the mess to get to the subtrees. Something like this:
(defn subt
(let [subtree #(if (keyword? (first %)) (rest %) nil)
leaf? #(and (list %) (keyword? (first %)) (= (count %) 1))
sub (subtree trees)]
(if (every? leaf? sub)
(cons (map subt sub) trees))))
You can see the (map subt sub)
is what I'm going for here, but I am running into a lot of difficulty using map
, even though my sense is that is what I want for my higher-order function. I thought about using reduce
as a stand-in for the loop
in subtrees
above; but because trees
changes by subtrees being added, I don't think reduce
is appropriate, at least with the loop as I have constructed it. I should say, also, that I'm not interested in a library to do the work; I want to know how to solve it using core functions. Thanks in advance.
Here is an attempt at computing all the subtrees using various functions from the standard library.
(defn expand-subtrees [tree-set]
(into #{} (comp (map rest) cat) tree-set))
(defn all-subtrees [tree]
(reduce into #{}
(take-while seq (iterate expand-subtrees #{tree}))))
and we can call it like this:
(all-subtrees '(:A (:B (:C)) (:D)))
;; => #{(:D) (:B (:C)) (:C) (:A (:B (:C)) (:D))}
The helper function expand-subtrees
takes a set of trees and produces a new set of first-level subtrees of the input set. Then we use iterate with expand-subtrees
, starting with the initial tree, to produce a sequence of expanded subtrees. We take elements from this sequence until there are no more subtrees. Then we merge all subtrees into a set, which is the result. Of course, you can disj the initial tree from that set if you desire.