I made a chart following the examples in the documentation. I find the title and x/y labels too close to the plot itself, and the tick labels too small. How do I format them?
x := -3.14 to: 3.14 count: 100.
y := x sin.
c := RSChart new.
p := RSLinePlot new x: x y: y.
c addPlot: p.
c title: 'Sine function'.
c xlabel: 'X axis'.
c ylabel: 'Y axis'.
c addDecoration: RSHorizontalTick new.
c addDecoration: RSVerticalTick new.
c open
The way the graph is constructed it uses the default offset of 5
for X axis
and -5
for Y axis
in the initialize
of RSXLabelDecoration
or RSYLabelDecoration
To move the titles around you have to create them yourself instead of using xlabel
or ylabel
You whould have to replace these two lines of code:
c xlabel: 'X axis'.
c ylabel: 'Y axis'.
xAxisDecoration := c addDecoration: (RSXLabelDecoration new title: 'X axis'; offset: 15).
yAxisDecoration := c addDecoration: (RSYLabelDecoration new title: 'Y axis'; offset: -15).
The result:
Edit - forgot about the tick labels
To adjust the font size you need to add a message fontSize
when creating a RSHorizontal(Vertical)Tick
The affected code would look like this:
c addDecoration: (RSHorizontalTick new fontSize: 10).
c addDecoration: (RSVerticalTick new fontSize: 10).
Producing this result: