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UI Kitten - List component - How to get selected item

I am building React-Native CLI app using the UI Kitten UI kit. In my render I have the below list.

    keyExtractor={(item) => item.Id.toString()}

I have these methods for the list item and onPress events.

 const renderItem = ({item, index}) => (
      description={`${item.ServiceType} `}
      onPress={(item) => typeSelected(item)}
  const typeSelected = (item) => {
    console.log('item: ', item);
    console.log('item.Id: ', item.Id);
    alert('You touched list item: ', item.Id);

When the typeSelected method is fired, item.Id is null, but item is one giant object with so much data, but I cannot find my item data anywhere in there?

I am very new to Kitten library and I dont know TypeScript much at all. I am also not using TypeScript in RN app, so I'm struggling to figure out how to use it here.


  • The problem is you are getting the even instead of the item

    when you do

    onPress={(item) => typeSelected(item)}

    The item refers to the event and not the item in the index

    you have to change it to

    onPress={() => typeSelected(item)}