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Getting errors "unexpected extra arguments" and "got an unexpected keyword argument" when using click with multiple functions

I am making a program in which the click module is used to parse the command line arguments.

The -r and -t parameters should be passed to the first function and -f and -l to the second function.

I gave the following inputs through command line arguments, but it is not accepting inputs for the second function and giving the error like "extra arguments".

How can I use the click module with multiple functions?


PS D:\FinIQ\LoadTest> python -r 80 -t 10 --firstname john --lastname doe
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Try ' --help' for help.

Error: Got unexpected extra arguments (john doe)
TypeError: LoadMemory() got an unexpected keyword argument 'firstname'
import sys, psutil
from multiprocessing import Pool
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from psutil import virtual_memory
import time
from functools import partial
import click

@click.option("--mempercent", "-r",default=70, prompt="how much ram you want to consume:" ,help="RAM %:")
@click.option("--timesec","-t", prompt="time for which ram to be consumed:",
              help="enter time in seconds")

@click.option("--firstname", "-f" , prompt="enter firstname" ,help="firstname")
@click.option("--lastname", "-l", prompt="enter lastname" ,help="lastname")

def LoadMemory(mempercent, timesec):
    currentMemory = virtual_memory().percent
    print('Current utilized memory = ', currentMemory, "%")

    while mempercent <= currentMemory:
        print('Already utilzed! ')
        print('How much memory to be stressed(%)?')
        mempercent = int(input())
    MemToFillMore = int(mempercent - currentMemory)
    new_list = [0] * 10485760 * MemToFillMore
    print('After loading memory utilized=', virtual_memory().percent, "%")
    timeint = int(timesec)
    print('After clearing memory utilized=', virtual_memory().percent, "%")

def name(firstname, lastname):
    print("full name is:" + firstname + " " +  lastname)

if __name__ == '__main__':


  • You should use @click with function which gets all arguments and later it runs LoadMemory(mempercent, timesec) and name(firstname, lastname)

    import sys, psutil
    from multiprocessing import Pool
    from multiprocessing import cpu_count
    from psutil import virtual_memory
    import time
    from functools import partial
    import click
    @click.option("--mempercent", "-r", default=70, prompt="how much ram you want to consume:", help="RAM %:")
    @click.option("--timesec","-t", prompt="time for which ram to be consumed:", help="enter time in seconds")
    @click.option("--firstname", "-f", prompt="enter firstname", help="firstname")
    @click.option("--lastname", "-l", prompt="enter lastname", help="lastname")
    def myfunction(mempercent, timesec, firstname, lastname):
        LoadMemory(mempercent, timesec)
        name(firstname, lastname)
    def LoadMemory(mempercent, timesec):
        currentMemory = virtual_memory().percent
        print('Current utilized memory = ', currentMemory, "%")
        while mempercent <= currentMemory:
            print('Already utilzed! ')
            print('How much memory to be stressed(%)?')
            mempercent = int(input())
        MemToFillMore = int(mempercent - currentMemory)
        new_list = [0] * 10485760 * MemToFillMore
        print('After loading memory utilized=', virtual_memory().percent, "%")
        timeint = int(timesec)
        print('After clearing memory utilized=', virtual_memory().percent, "%")
    def name(firstname, lastname):
        print("full name is:" + firstname + " " +  lastname)
    if __name__ == '__main__':