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TCPDF ERROR: Some data has already been output to browser, can't send PDF file

i'm trying to convert this 'PHP' page to 'PDF' page but i toke this message everytime. Although, everything is looks right.

the errors :

-First one : Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in \html2pdf\html2pdf.class.php on line 4957

-2end error : Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in \html2pdf\html2pdf.class.php on line 4957

-3rd error : Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at \html2pdf\html2pdf.class.php:4957) in \html2pdf_tcpdf_5.0.002\tcpdf.php on line 6122

I separate the code of page to make it clearly.

I'm so tired and tomorrow is the presintation day. please help !

Head of page: first part of html2pdf

<?php ob_start(); ?>

2end line:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">

Body part

            <div style='margin:0 0 0 0;text-align:left;'>
                <h3 style='margin:1% 0 0 0;display:inline-block'><span style='display:inline-block'>Client: </span><span style='display:inline-block'>".$_SESSION['log']."</span></h3>
                <h3 style='margin:1% 0 0 0'><span style='display:inline-block'>Code de commande: </span><span style='display:inline-block'>".$numcom."</span></h3>
            <div style='margin:0 5% 0 0;text-align:left;padding:0 0 0 2%'>
                <h3 style='margin:1% 0 0 0'><span style='display:inline-block'>Date de commande: </span><span style='display:inline-block'>".$datecom."</span></h3>
                <h3 style='margin:1% 0 0 0'><span style='display:inline-block'>Date de livraison: </span><span style='display:inline-'>".$dateliv."</span></h3>
        <table style='margin:5% 0 0 0;border:1px solid white'>
            <thead style='background:white;color:black'>
                <th align='center' style=''>Article</th>
                <th align='center' style=''>Quantité</th>
                <th align='center' style=''>Prix unitaire</th>
                <th align='center' style=''>Sous-Total</th>
                        echo"<td align='center' style=''>$nom</td>
                        <td align='center' style=''>$qte</td>
                        <td align='center' style=''>$prixunitaire Dhs</td>
                        <td align='center' style=''>$soustotal Dhs</td>";
            <h2 id='foot' align='center' style=''>Merci pour votre achat</h2>

Bottom of page: second part of html2pdf

    $pdf=new HTML2PDF("P","A4","fr");


  • Your "Notice: bla bla" errors are the one causing you trouble, as they're output. Indeed they're not errors just warnings that can be ignored.

    Disable PHP Notice errors with:

    error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

    at the start of your PHP (before your require() or include() of html2pdf module).