There is a small text inside the button:
private void TASKTOVSWRBTN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Clipboard.SetText("The Network Operations Center is requesting a field engineer to attend the site in order to solve this issue. " +
"\n Check carefully the hardware, cabling or passive network equipments, so the issue can be easily identified." +
"\n If support is needed, please ring us, we will be here 24 / 7 to help.");
I Want to preview the text behind the button inside the text box
Copy the text to the Clipboard.
Currently I can only copy from the button to the clip board. but i want to see the text before send it to Clipboard, like a preview.
That would simply be:
private void TASKTOVSWRBTN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// "preview" the message in the textbox:
bunifuMetroTextbox1.Text = "The Network Operations Center is requesting a field engineer to attend the site in order to solve this issue. " +
"\n Check carefully the hardware, cabling or passive network equipments, so the issue can be easily identified." +
"\n If support is needed, please ring us, we will be here 24 / 7 to help.";
private void btnGetIt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// if the textbox is not empty, then place its contents on the clipboard
if (bunifuMetroTextbox1.Text.Trim().Length > 0)