I am trying to learn how to implement flood fill algorithm in Python (based on queue). Based on Rosetta page I prepared my version. Unfortunately, I have spent a lot of time and I am not able to find where I have a bug. Could you help me?
I modified original example from scikit-image page:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import data, filters
#from skimage.segmentation import flood, flood_fill
from flood_algorithm import flood_fill # <---------------- my file
checkers = data.checkerboard()
# Fill a square near the middle with value 127, starting at index (76, 76)
#filled_checkers = flood_fill(checkers, (76, 76), 127) # <------- skimage version
filled_checkers = flood_fill(checkers, (76, 76), 255, 127) # <----- my version
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(10, 5))
ax[0].imshow(checkers, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
ax[1].imshow(filled_checkers, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
ax[1].plot(76, 76, 'wo') # seed point
ax[1].set_title('After flood fill')
My implementation, flood_algorithm.py:
from collections import deque
def flood_fill(input_array, start_point, source_colour, target_colour):
if not is_inside_image(start_point, input_array.shape):
return input_array
if input_array[start_point[0]][start_point[1]] == source_colour:
# create a queue and enqueue starting pixel
q = deque()
while q:
point = q.popleft()
if is_inside_image(point, input_array.shape):
if input_array[start_point[0]][start_point[1]] == source_colour:
input_array[start_point[0]][start_point[1]] = target_colour
q.append((start_point[0] + 1, start_point[1]))
q.append((start_point[0] - 1, start_point[1]))
q.append((start_point[0] , start_point[1] + 1))
q.append((start_point[0] , start_point[1] - 1))
return input_array
def is_inside_image(point, input_array_shape):
return (point[0] > 0) and (point[0] < input_array_shape[0]) and \
(point[1] > 0) and (point[1] < input_array_shape[1])
In the DFS loop, you incorrectly use start_point
. You should color and expand on the popped point
while q:
point = q.popleft()
if is_inside_image(point, input_array.shape):
if input_array[point[0]][point[1]] == source_colour:
input_array[point[0]][point[1]] = target_colour
q.append((point[0] + 1, point[1]))
q.append((point[0] - 1, point[1]))
q.append((point[0] , point[1] + 1))
q.append((point[0] , point[1] - 1))